Celebrating 20 Years of Ministry!

The Rt. Rev. Craig Loya

Celebrating 20 Years of Ministry!

Beloved in Christ,

Yesterday, our Missioner for Ministry, Canon Karen Olson, celebrated the twentieth anniversary of her time with the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. That’s a truly extraordinary milestone. During that time, she has worked with (God help her) three different bishops and in a variety of different roles. She has a gentle strength, a deep faithfulness, and a wisdom that have been great gifts to me personally. I know that so many of you could say the same.

Through all of it, Karen has maintained an unwavering commitment to serving congregations and their leaders. She has attended countless hours of vestry meetings, provided a grounding presence in the midst of difficult conversations, walked with search and transition teams, listened for the Spirit with people in the first stages of exploring God’s call, and helped clergy as they have moved into new phases and seasons of their life and ministry. 

We are a stronger, more faithful, and healthier diocese because of Karen’s incredible ministry over two decades. I hope you will join me in congratulating Karen and saying a prayer of thanksgiving for her and her ministry this day! If you'd like to take some time to share what her work has meant to you or your faith community, I'd encourage you to write to her at karen.o@episcopalmn.org and share your thanksgivings with her directly!

Grace and Peace,

The Right Reverend Craig Loya
X Bishop
Episcopal Church in Minnesota