Our Journey Together
Our Journey Together
Beloved in Christ,
I became your bishop exactly one year ago this week. The year has passed so much more quickly than I thought it would, and at the same time, June of 2020 already seems like a lifetime ago. You need to know how deeply grateful I am to have been called to share this work with you, and how much I love what I do and who we are together. My passion and commitment to each of you, and to what we are called to, has only grown and deepened in the past fifty-two weeks.
It is often said that the days are long but the years are short. I definitely feel that in this work. I am trying to drink as fully as possible from the well of grace that each long day brings, as the years do indeed pass too quickly. Life, and the people we are given to share our one life with, are altogether precious, and important milestones remind us of how critical it is to stop and savor what is a pure gift, which none of us can cling to or fully possess. I thank God for you, and ask for grace to carry faithfully whatever long days and quickly passing years we will be given to walk together.
Grace and Peace,
The Right Reverend Craig Loya
X Bishop
Episcopal Church in MN