High School Bible Club
High School Bible Club
At the end of my freshman year in high school, I realized there was no community for Christians at my school. So, why not talk to others and see if a Bible Study Club would benefit the community? I reached out to four of my friends who I knew were Christians and would be willing to help start a club. Two of these friends texted back and said they too had been thinking about starting a club, so we knew that the Holy Spirit was at work. At this point in my year, there was an extra need for a Christian community because we were experiencing a teacher who was discriminatory against Christians. We had an obstacle to overcome before we could start the club.
To start a club, one needs to fill out a form six weeks before the club's start date. I did this, making it so we would be eligible to start the second or third week of school. However, the activities director would not approve the club or respond to emails sent to him. We reached out to the executive director and it got approved. We have met every Friday since then. We have an average of 10-12 people a week, though we had one day with 23 people. We have a Google Classroom page and are trying to make it so that we can have more community outside of the club. We have some really deep conversations and good fellowship. The Holy Spirit has been working with people of different walks of life and religions who have been coming to the club. I cannot wait to see what He has in plan for us next.