Lent 4: Chris Johnson
Lent 4: Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson (he/him) is a member of St. Anne's, Sunfish Lake, and is currently in the second year of the Lay Preacher Training Initiative pilot program run by the Episcopal Preaching Foundation. The LPTI is “a two-year local formation experience designed to prepare effective, confident, and passionate preachers in the lay order of our Church.” (www.preachingfoundation.org/conferences-programs/lay-preaching-training-program/) A lifelong Episcopalian and self-professed liturgy nerd, Chris grew up at St. John in the Wilderness in White Bear Lake and currently attends Saint Anne’s in Sunfish Lake where he leads the 5th Sunday Morning Prayer team. In his professional life, he works as a Business Analyst in the health care field. Chris lives in Minneapolis with his wife Kate, a graphic artist, their teenager Brendan, and their three cats.
Find a print copy of Chris' sermon here, and find the video below.