Soup Night

Vicki Raiche, St. Martin's by-the-Lake Episcopal Church

Soup Night

Being a person of faith, I have always looked for ways to share with my neighbors. I try to find little ways to share God's love. I would like to share a couple of my favorite examples. 

When my children were growing up, I decided to have a gathering every Wednesday night. Soup Night. Wednesday night was church night when I was young, but times had changed. I missed that night together in a place that had always felt like home for me. I would make a large pot of soup and then it was open house! Friends and families would bring bread or something to share. Some would stop to say hi and leave, but others would stay and talk. This turned out to be a gift to my friends and neighbors - a community gathering that accepted you as you came, with a dirty face from soccer practice or in a dress shirt from work. All were welcome as they were. 

Then as an adult my parents were divorced, I wondered - where do I go on a special family night? So, I transformed soup night into a Christmas Eve gathering with the same thought - to share a special night where all were welcome. For years friends came to spend a short time, or some would still be there when I got home from church. However, it was always a night filled with shared, loving friendships enjoying a piece of Jesus's birthday cake!