Deputies' Report: Day 2

Deputies' Report: Day 2

A group of people sitting at a long, white-tableclothed dining table smiles at the camera. A group of people sitting at a long, white-tableclothed dining table smiles at the camera.

Today's big news out of General Convention was the election of a new president of the House of Deputies. ECMN's own Rev. Devon Anderson was a candidate. While ultimately not elected, we are grateful for faithful discernment and willingness to serve. Read more here from Bishop Loya.

The deputies and Bishop Loya dined together this evening, as seen in the photo above. Sally Johnson was unfortunately unable to join them, as she was attending to responsibilities related to her role as Chancellor for the President of the House of Deputies.

See below for a video reflection from Laura Bathke, a first-time deputy to General Convention, about her experience thus far.

Laura Bathke Deputy's Reflection