A Moment of Opportunity
A Moment of Opportunity
According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Bible sales in the U.S. are up 22% through the end of October. To put this in perspective, last year total U.S. print book sales were up less than 1% during the same period. The recent election, AI, armed conflict around the world, and global warming are making people anxious. Our neighbors are looking for meaning, purpose, and hope. This is an incredible moment of opportunity for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement.
The challenge - We need to have pathways and offerings for the spiritually curious so that they can:
- Learn more about Jesus and his teachings.
- Learn more about Christian spiritual practices like prayer, silence, stewardship, generosity, hospitality, forgiveness, reconciliation, and simplicity.
- Have spaces to discuss meaning of life questions with people who are in relationship with Jesus, grounded in scripture, and practicing his way of love.
We need to offer opportunities outside Sunday morning, and potentially in safe, third spaces like living rooms, coffee houses, and pubs, where people can bring their questions and concerns. These spaces need to be safe and gracious, but also spaces where we are clear about what we believe and why. We need to be able to share why and how Jesus made a difference in our lives. You could advertise a "meaning of life" exploration of what Jesus said and did gathering on social media, or invite some of your friends to join you for coffee, dessert, or a simple dinner and conversation.
One idea for getting people into scripture, found in Michael Moynagh's book Godsend: A Handbook for New Christian Communities, is called "Bible Talk". It goes as follows.
Slowly read a parable or story about Jesus from the Gospels. Use the same story over four sessions. Begin and end each session with prayer, incorporating prayer requests of group members (it's powerful to be prayed for!).
Each time, recap what was said previously. Then ask one of these questions (one per week):
- If this story happened today, what would it look like?
- What is this story showing or telling me?
- Could the story make a difference in my life? If so, how? (After this session invite participants to try to "live into" the story for a week. The following week they respond to question #4 below).
- Did the story make a difference? If so, how?