New Non-stipendiary Clergy Honorarium Policy
New Non-stipendiary Clergy Honorarium Policy
ECMN Council has adopted a new policy, created in response to a General Convention recommendation, that has opened a pathway for non-stipendiary clergy (priests and deacons) to be included in the Church Pension Fund.
The General Convention Resolution requires a minimum honorarium of $25 per month in order to enroll in these benefits. The pension assessment amount for that nominal amount would be $4.50 to Church Pension Group (for a total honorarium amount of $300 plus total pension contribution $54 annually).
In order to be eligible, clergy must meet the following criteria:
- Canonically resident in ECMN.
- Actively serving or expected to be actively serving the same faith community for five or more consecutive months.
- Under the age of 72 as of the date of this policy.
Actively Serving is defined as meeting any one of the five following criteria:
- Has a Letter of Agreement with the faith community or
- Is duly called by the Bishop, Vestry or Rector or
- The position has a formal title indicating an ongoing substantial relationship with the faith community or
- The clergy person receives a Form W-2 or equivalent from the faith community or
- The clergy person is scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week
There are many benefits that clergy can receive as a result of being admitted to CPG. These include:
- Cleric earns a full month of Credited Service (CS) for pension benefit when Eligibility criteria are met, and Full Assessments are paid on 1/12th of the cleric’s Total Assessable Compensation (no minimum dollar limitation, no CS is earned for partial assessment payment)
- While active, the cleric has short-term, long-term and life insurance benefits along with pre-retirement death benefits for their survivors and eligible children.
- Upon retirement, they will have a pension distribution, ongoing Christmas benefit, one-time resettlement benefit, retiree life insurance benefit along with other discretionary benefits.
- Access to CREDO conference - to support personal well-being, a healthy life, and vibrant ministry
How to Participate
If you have a clergy person who is eligible for this benefit, your next step is to enroll them in the CPG system. You can find a link to the employment change form here.
If you do not have any other employees enrolled in the CPG system, please fill out the form and submit it to Jennifer Gamberg at
You can find the Revised 2025 Compensation and Benefits Handbook here.