Creating a Safe & Secure Ministry - for Metro Faith Communities

Creating a Safe & Secure Ministry - for Metro Faith Communities


Creating a Safe & Secure Ministry
June 14, 6-9pm | St. Mark's Cathedral

for Metro-Area Faith Communities

Episcopal faith communities are often a neighborhood hub, hosting Bible studies, community outreach, after school programs, AA meetings, dinner programs. The doors are open, and all are welcome.

However, there is work to be done to ensure the safety of the space that we’re providing to our community. This work is not about living in and acting from a place of fear. Rather, it can be a redemptive practice - identifying and disrupting harmful situations and having a plan that allows for thoughtful responses, rather than chaotic reactions, to unsafe situations.

Join other ECMN faith community leaders and The Rev. Canon Tim Kingsley, ECMN’s Ministry Developer for Safety and Security, as we learn helpful practices and talk about what this could look like in our own faith communities.

Please use this form to report any kind of suspicious or concerning activity that has taken place on an Episcopal Church campus. This information will be used to help ECMN's security advisor, The Rev. Tim Kingsley, work with you to consider an appropriate response. (Responses to the form will not be instantaneous, so please consider calling law enforcement if there is an imminent threat or issue.)