Deacon Call Day
March 15, 12-3pm | St. Mark's Cathedral
Are you curious about the ministry of deacons? Are you eager to help your faith community recognize and share its gifts with the world? Do you feel called to bring the concerns of the world into your church? Is your heart with the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized? Does the term "servant leadership" stir your soul? If so, you may be interested in learning more about the diaconate!
Deacons are called specifically to order and live out their lives and teach ‘to show Christ's people that in serving the helpless they are serving Christ himself.’ (BCP. P.543) Deacon Call Day is an opportunity to hear from Bishop Loya about the diaconate in ECMN and spend time with deacons. There will be time to learn more about the call of the diaconate, the process of discernment, and formation. Those who have dedicated their lives to this unique ministry will share stories and those gathered will have time to reflect, discern, and imagine. Join us and please share this widely with anyone in your faith community who has expressed curiosity or interest in the diaconate.