The Philadelphia Eleven Theatrical Screening

The Philadelphia Eleven Theatrical Screening


The Philadelphia Eleven Screening & Panel Discussion
Tuesday, May 14, 7pm
The Main Cinema, 115 SE Main Street, Minneapolis

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of women’s ordination to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church, the compelling new documentary The Philadelphia Eleven will have a limited theatrical release in eleven selected cities, including Minneapolis. After the screening, stay for a panel conversation with four Minnesota Episcopalians who lived it and whose lives have been shaped by the full inclusion of women in the priesthood.

Moderator: The Rev. Lindsay Hardin Freeman
Celebrating 40 years of  ordained ministry this year, Lindsay was part of several Minnesota-based demonstrations that advocated for women’s ordination to the priesthood. She has served churches in four dioceses and worked with Bishop John Coburn in Massachusetts, who presided over the House of Bishops when the historic vote  to affirm women’s ordination took place. Continually committed to lifting up the voices of women, she is the author of Bible Woman: All Their Words and Why They Matter.


The Rev. Leonard Freeman
Leonard Freeman, a veteran religious journalist, parish priest, and former head of communications for Washington National Cathedral and Trinity Church Wall Street, was the primary national church reporter for the Philadelphia 11 ordinations. He was also part of the national church communications team covering the 1976 General Convention that approved women’s ordination to the priesthood. He and Allison Cheek were classmates at Virginia Seminary.

The Rev. Katherine Lewis
Katherine was ordained in 1996 and has served congregations in the Diocese of Southern Ohio and the Episcopal Church in Minnesota.  She is currently the rector of St. David's in Minnetonka and is the Regional Dean for the Central and West Twin Cities metro areas.  A vivid childhood memory of Katherine's was witnessing the protest of the ordination of a woman priest in her home state of West Virginia.  

The Rev. Dr. Anne Miner-Pearson
Anne was ordained an Episcopal priest by Bishop Robert Anderson on January 18, 1984, at a time when women were a rarity in Episcopal seminaries.  Having served a brief period as interim, Anne  was called as rector of St. Anne’s, Sunfish Lake, where she served for ten years. In 1995, she received a D.Min. in Preaching and still continues in that program advising current students. Having retired in 2022 after serving eight congregations, over half as rector,  Anne has created a curriculum based on an approach to the gospels. Currently, she co-leads retreats on the Camino de Santiago, Spain.