Lee Grim

The Ven. Lee Grim

The Venerable Leland H. Grim, Deacon, and his wife Donna Carol Grim have lived on the shores of Jackfish Bay at Rainy Lake, International Falls since 1967. They have two sons.

Deacon Grim served as a vestry member and lay reader at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church from 1967 to 2006. After teaching for 35 years, he discerned a call to join their total ministry team in 2002 and was ordained an Episcopal vocational deacon in 2006. 

At Holy Trinity, he serves to cultivate the servant ministry of the whole church. As Deacon he is an associate of the bishop, a minister of charity and worship. He exercises his ministry in the world by encouraging his congregation to do things that represent "The Good News" and lead to outreach in the community. Lee works as a conservationist and environmental advocate to sustain God's creation from exploitation and abuse. Frequently engaging in continuing education opportunities improves his role as a deacon in the world. He has enthusiastically and synergistically served with his total ministry team members in the church and all his neighbors in communities inside and outside the walls of the church.

Lee serves the Northwest and Northeast mission areas.