

Tending to our roots, deepening into the soil of Jesus.

  • We worship to encounter the living God and to continue the apostles' teaching and fellowship.
  • We teach spiritual practices and invite all into creating and keeping an intentional Rule of Life.
  • We preach to help people ground their own lives in God's story and live faithfully.
  • We share the stories of our faith journeys, seeking courage to rely on God's promises.

On this page, find spiritual practices and other resources that you can engage individually and in your faith community to tend to your roots. 

Gospel of Luke Study

Fall 2023

This fall, you are invited and encouraged to gather in small groups to read and study the Gospel of Luke. As we look toward the lay-led, clergy-supported future God is calling us to grow into, we recognize that nothing could be more important than deeply rooted disciples who spend time with God each day in prayer and study Jesus' life and teachings.

You can undertake this study at any time, and in numerous ways. The intention behind this invitation is to supplement and ground, rather than supplant, the formation and outreach opportunities you're already engaging in with your communities. We suggest you use the Interpretation study guide written by Thomas W. Walker. The guide has ten chapters that participants can study over ten weeks, or in any sort of format that works for each specific group. If cost is a concern, please be in touch with Bishop Loya and we can assist.

Learn more at the Rev. Blair Pogue's blog post here.

If you're excited to start a Gospel of Luke study but would like some support leading a small group, find below a small group facilitation training led by Blair Pogue and Kathy Hagen. The slides from that training can be found here. 

Stories of Discipleship in ECMN

Explore the Priorities


Transformative encounters with Jesus.

Faithful Innovation

A culture of experimentation.


Building community with the poor and marginalized.

Congregational Vitality

Sharing life together deeply.