Faithful Innovation

Faithful Innovation

Joining the Spirit in new ways to proclaim and live out the gospel

Faithful Innovation is a process that invites participants to engage in simple spiritual practices and small experiments to develop deeper relationships with God, fellow faith community members, and their neighbors. In times of crisis, crossroads, or "stuck-ness," these practices will give you and your faith community the muscle memory to know what to do when you don't know what to do. Rather than focusing inward on deficits, this process invites you to focus outward, to where God is already at work in the world around you! New life doesn't come from a rehashed budget or yet another program, but from seeing where God is already bringing new life into our midst and joining up with that work.

Learn more about our Faithful Innovation offerings here. 

Questions about Faithful Innovation?

Don't hesitate to call or email Blair with any questions or to learn more about Faithful Innovation!

Untitled design Untitled design

Blair Pogue

Canon for Vitality & Innovation

Stories of Experimentation

Bishop Loya Introduces the Faithful Innovation Priority

Explore the Priorities


Transformative encounters with Jesus.

Faithful Innovation

A culture of experimentation.


Building community with the poor and marginalized.

Congregational Vitality

Sharing life together deeply.