Godsend Gathering Update

Godsend Gathering Update

Dr. Mike Moynagh gives a presentation to an audience in a church. Dr. Mike Moynagh gives a presentation to an audience in a church.

On Saturday, January 25 at St. Mark’s Cathedral over 100 participants joined the Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh in person and via livestream. He shared numerous stories and ideas for ways to share Jesus with spiritually curious neighbors and to add a “spiritual extra” at the end or beginning of outreach or social activities. 

We’re still editing the video, but for now, you can find the three sections of the talk at: https://boxcast.tv/channel/lae5gr22uzb93mxoocfe?b=n8tvn9tp4gc26jdkxr59

Soul Space Gathering: 23:45

Section One: Why and What?: New Christian Communities: 38:17

Section Two: How?: 1:55:16

Section Three: Sharing Jesus: Four Steps to a Sacramental Congregation: 4:02:23 

Mike’s PowerPoint presentation How to Be an Even Better Parish Church: Learning to Share Jesus with Spiritually Curious neighbors may be found here: https://episcopalmn.org/resources/resources-for-ministry/january-25-godsend-gathering-powerpoint-presentation

Saturday participants experienced a short worship offering designed for people outside the institutional church called Soulspace. The following website, put together by Dr. Moynagh and his organization Greenhouse, provides all kinds of resources for designing a short Soulspace offering/liturgy, and walks you through how to do this: https://churchsupporthub.org/all-resources/how-to-introduce-worship-into-an-outreach-or-social-action-group/

Below are four liturgies the Rev. Canon Blair Pogue put together using Mike’s materials (she translated them into American English, did some editing, and added some of her own touches). You can use what she provided, shorten them, add material that speaks to your particular context, and/or add more silence or music (suggested playlists may be found by going to the Soulspace website (listed above).

The four liturgies have different themes: 





Finally, all the content in Mike’s book Godsend: A Handbook for New Christian Communities (Second Edition) may be found in the form of short videos at the following website: https://godsend.cloud

Showing a video followed by discussion would make a great Sunday faith forum, or discussion focus for a small group interested in learning how to share their faith with spiritually curious friends and neighbors.

If you are interested in starting a New Christian Community, would like to talk to someone about how to use these materials in your church, or would like someone to come to your church or group to talk about how to share Jesus with spiritually curious neighbors please contact Blair Pogue at blair.p@episcopalmn.org