Holy Cross Center

Living the Way of Jesus Every Day

In a season of profound transformation, God is calling forth a diverse church ecology, rooted in Jesus. The Holy Cross Center for Baptismal Living nurtures that ecology and deepens that root system by forming disciples who place Jesus at the center of their lives, and equipping them for their life’s purpose of joining God’s project to heal the world with love. In partnership with Luther’s Faith Lead Academy, the Holy Cross Center is a virtual campus that will draw us closer together as a diocese, and help us with three critical needs as we follow the Spirit into the future: to deepen discipleship, nurture leaders, and seed the future. 

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Deepening Discipleship

To be a Christian is to be an apprentice of Jesus, spending time with him, going to the people and the places where Jesus himself went. In this pathway, you will find resources to help every Minnesota Episcopalian deepen their spiritual practice, and become a lifelong student of Jesus. 

Nurturing Leaders

There is nothing more important in the economy of God than the ministry of a local faith community. In this pathway, you will find a variety of practical resources to help local communities address the pressing challenges before them. Training and forming lay leaders, faithfully fundraising, and developing best practices for governance, building use, and liturgy. 

Seeding the Future

As the cultural landscapes around us continue to change and evolve, the Spirit’s call to plant new, and new kinds of, Christian communities is both clear and urgent. This pathway will build leaders and cohorts who can help in the critical work of revitalizing existing congregations, and planting new expressions of Christian community to enrich the diverse ecology God is already growing in our midst. 

 I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

Have additional questions or not sure where to start?

The Holy Cross Center for Baptismal Living is for YOU. Gretchen Beck, Missioner for Formation and Holy Orders, can answer your questions and help you discern where to get started. 

A young white woman with blue eyes, freckles, and glasses smiles at the camera. She wears a clerical collar. A young white woman with blue eyes, freckles, and glasses smiles at the camera. She wears a clerical collar.

Sarah Hoch

Interim Director of Formation & Holy Orders