Seeding the Future

Seeding the Future

Experimenting with and innovating new ways of being church.

As the cultural landscapes around us continue to change and evolve, the Spirit’s call to plant new, and new kinds of, Christian communities is both clear and urgent. This pathway will build leaders and cohorts who can help in the critical work of revitalizing existing congregations, and planting new expressions of Christian community to enrich the diverse ecology God is already growing in our midst. 

Starting a Fresh Expression of Church
Online, at your own pace

Explore how New Christian Communities can emerge anywhere people gather naturally – from hiking trails to pickleball courts. This course is your guide to initiating, cultivating, and fostering a new form of Christian community for people who are spiritually curious but don’t go to church. Unlock the power of the Fresh Expressions framework and discover how to leverage your unique gifts to minister to those around you. Learn how to infuse spiritual conversations and practices into everyday activities, fostering connections and spiritual growth in unexpected places.

How to Start a New Ministry
Online, at your own pace

Are you feeling called to start a new ministry, but aren’t sure how to begin? Come and learn how to kickstart a new ministry, driven by your passion and working in alignment with God’s purpose. Throughout this course, we’ll dive into best practices for thriving new ministries, including turning to scripture, prayer, reflection, and practical exercises to gain a deeper understanding of God’s particular call for your ministry. We’ll explore the process of discerning your calling, defining a clear vision, understanding the structural components of ministry, managing finances, building a dedicated team, and articulating your mission effectively.